What happens if air ducts are not cleaned?

Decreased airflow causing uneven heating or cooling. An oxidation effect on the heat exchanger, increasing the risk of fire. One of the main problems with leaving vents and air ducts untreated is mold. This is especially common with insulated ventilation grilles.

If water enters the vents or condensation is allowed to accumulate, moisture will remain. Over time, without proper cleaning and maintenance of air ducts, moisture will generate mold and mildew over time. In addition to affecting health, dirty air ducts can also cause problems with the heating and cooling unit. It's not uncommon for the unit to operate more frequently and for longer periods due to the additional strain associated with air moving through those dirty ducts. The increased amount of use will cause more moving parts to wear out faster.

As a result, you'll have to request repairs more often. Overall, the additional stress shortens the life of the heating and cooling unit. Even with quick repairs, the unit may not last as many years. From this perspective, choosing to have air ducts cleaned every two to three years can be considered a way to maintain the same unit for a longer period of time.

Unfortunately, if your ducts aren't cleaned regularly, you increase your risk of exposure to carbon monoxide. If you want to protect your family's health and save some money on heating and air conditioning costs, it's time to clean those air ducts. Some of the lesser-known signs of health problems related to dirty air ducts include the onset of skin diseases. The best way to ensure maximum airflow is to have ductwork professionally cleaned at least once a year.

This is because dirty ducts cause the heating and air conditioning to overheat, causing high levels of carbon monoxide. Once the ducts are clogged with those particles, the air will no longer be clean, meaning you and your family will inhale more contaminants. It's easy to take good care of a home's heating and cooling unit, but completely forget about air ducts. If dirty air ducts are not cleaned regularly, they will eventually become clogged with more debris, including mold spores that could have fallen on nearby fan blades through cross circulation.

Even if they are not present, but the air seems to be stale and family members begin to sneeze, cough or have nasal congestion more often, it is worth checking the ducts. These are the risks you face when you don't keep your home's air ducts as clean as they should be. Until the ducts are cleaned, they remain in the system and add to the contaminants that eventually reach the air in each of the rooms. A simple way that is often overlooked is to clean the air ducts every time you see dirt on the walls around the vents. Superior Air Duct Cleaning offers professional duct cleaning services in Eastern Ohio and Western Pennsylvania for commercial and residential customers.

Estelle Bookhart
Estelle Bookhart

Unapologetic zombie advocate. Award-winning zombie enthusiast. Passionate internet scholar. Hardcore web specialist. Total web trailblazer. Evil twitter junkie.

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